Nondeterministic Finite Automaton
non-deterministic - multiple paths to follow. word is accepted if there is at least one path that leads to an accepting state.
Transforming NFA to DFA
top down approach if an input leads to multiple states then write them as a set. The set then becomes the new state. And the transitions are the union of the transitions of the states in the set. This is the power set construction??? continue till done.
With Empty Word Transitions
epsilon transitions these are transitions that can be taken without consuming any input, like a jump or joker card.
Epsilon Closure
Epsilon hülle - epsilon closure, the set of states that can be reached from a state with epsilon transitions.
Transformation to NFA
Does this even work?
Transformation to DFA
this works
because of epislon transitions the start state is not always the start state of the NFA. Is actually the epsilon closure of the start state. All becomes a bit more complicated but still works just need to keep track of the epsilon transitions.