Digital Garden
Computer Science
C & System Programming
Control Flow

Control Flow

These work just as in many other languages so will not go into further detail.


if (test expression1) {
   // statement(s)
else if (test expression2) {
   // statement(s)
else {
   // statement(s)


for (initializationStatement; testExpression; updateStatement) {
    // statements inside the body of loop


while (testExpression) {
  // the body of the loop

Do While

do {
  // the body of the loop
while (testExpression);

Break and Continue

The break statement ends a loop immediately when it is encountered. The continue statement skips the current iteration of a loop and continues with the next iteration.


Just dont use this.... if you need it you are doing something wrong unless you have a very very special use-case.

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
    int num, i = 1;
    printf("Enter the number whose table you want to print?");
    scanf("%d", &num);
    printf("%d x %d = %d\n", num, i, num * i);
    if (i <= 10)
        goto table;


Important to note here is that the values of expression and each constant-expression must have an integral type and a constant-expression must have an unambiguous constant integral value at compile time. Also the break here makes sure that it doesn't fall through to the other statements.

switch (expression) {
    case constant-expression-1:
      // statements
    case constant-expression-t2:
      // statements
      // default statements