Digital Garden
Computer Science


Templates are the C++ version of Java's generics. Just like with Java generics you can write generic code (a template) that is not dependent on a type.

template<typename T> T min(T a, T b) {
    return(a < b) ? a : b;
template<class T> T min(T a, T b) {
    return(a < b) ? a : b;

The two definitions are identical. Using class or typename makes no difference. You can also combine this with non generic types for example when writing a type for a generic static array that has a variable length.

template<class T, int S>
class Array {
    T m_array[S];
    Array() : Array(0) {}
    template<typename E> Array(E val) {
        for (auto& a : m_array) {
            a = static_cast<T>(val);
    const T& operator[](int pos) const { return m_array[pos]; }
    T& operator[](int pos) { return m_array[pos]; }
    void print() const {
        cout << '[';
        cout << m_array[0];
        for (int i = 1; i < S; i++) cout << ',' << m_array[i];
        cout << ']' << endl;
int main() {
    Array<int, 10> arr;
    arr[3] = 4;

Generic Classes

In C++ you can define generic classes and also define a default type for the generic class which you can not do in Java.

template<typename T> class Vector {
    T* m_array;

template<typename T = char> class String { // default is char
    T* m_string;

Explicit Instantiation

When a template is instantiated an entire function or class is built. This happens every time the code is compiled. To reduce compilation time you can use explicit instantiation.

template<typename T> class A {
    T m_t;
    A(T t): m_t(t) {}
    void f(T t);
// instead of
int main() {
    A<double> a(3.5);
// add to header
extern template class A<int>;
// or cpp
template class A<int>;

Template of Templates

A template parameter list can take another template parameter list so we can have structures like this:

// function that takes a template that is specialized to a Container with type T and A.
template<template<typename, typename> class Container, class T, class A>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Container<T, A>& v) {
    auto it= v.begin();
    if(it != v.end()) os<< *it++;
    for(; it != v.end(); it++) os<<", "<< *it;
    return os;


After the template definition, you can also add a specialization for a template method.

template<typenameT> T min(T a, T b) {
    return(a < b) ? a : b;
template<> char min<char>(char a, char b) {
    a = tolower(a);
    b = tolower(b);
    return (a < b) ? a : b;

Partial Specialization

When there are multiple parameters for a generic class you can partially specialize some of them.

template<typename T, class C> class MyClass{}; // generic
template<class C> class MyClass<char, C> {}; // partial
MyClass<int, string> c1; // generic
MyClass<char, string> c2; // partial
MyClass<char, iostream> c3; // partial

Specialization vs Overloading

It is important to remember that overloaded functions are always a better match than specialized template functions.

template<typename T> void foo(T x) { cout<<"Generic"<< endl; }
template<> void foo(int* p) { cout<<"Specialized"<< endl; }
template<typename T> void foo(T* p) { cout<<"Overloaded"<< endl; }
int i = 5;
foo(i); // Generic
foo(&i); // Overloaded

Alias Templates

Generic classes and functions can have a very long definition especially when there are templates of templates involved. To shorten this you can either use typedef like in C for structs, or you can use the using keyword which is the more modern and flexible way of doing it.

// old
typedef array<vector<uint64_t>*, 50> AV50;
// modern and flexible
template<typename T> using MA50 = array<T, 50>;
using MAV50 = MA50<vector<uint64_t>>;
int main() {
    // long
    array<vector<uint64_t>*, 50> myArray;
    AV50 myShortArray;
    MAV50 myArray;

Variadic Templates

In C++ you can define templates that take a variadic number of arguments. This can be done by using .... Pattern-Matching is done at compilation.

template<typename... Ts> class C {
    size_t types = sizeof...(Ts); // number of params
template<typename... Ts> void func(const Ts&... vs){
    size_t params = sizeof...(vs); // number of params

You can then also implement recursive templates like this:

template<typename First, typename... Rest>
void logging(const First& first, const Rest&... rest) {
    cout<< '[' << sizeof...(Rest) << "] ";
    cout<< first << ", ";
    logging(rest...); // recursion
// last call - anchor
template<typename T> voidlogging(constT& t) {
    cout << "[0] " << t << endl;

Perfect Forwarding

If a function template forwards its arguments without changing its lvalue or rvalue characteristics, we call it perfect forwarding. So for example if we have a function like template<typename T> void f(T&& x) { ... } then if a lvalue is passed to it stays a lvalue in the function body. But if an rvalue is passed to it becomes an lvalue in the function body. To avoid this we use the std::forward<t>() function which comes into use when working with universal/forwarding references (generic rvalues). The forward function forwards lvalues as lvalues and rvalues are moved with the move function to remain rvalues.

template<typename First, typename... Rest>
void logging(First&& first, Rest&&... rest) {
    cout << '[' << sizeof...(Rest) << "] ";
    cout << forward<First>(first) << ", ";
// anchor
template<typenameT> void logging(T&& t) {
cout<< "[0] " << forward<T>(t)<< endl;

Template Meta Programming - TMP

Template meta programming is programming with types and not values.

Manipulating Types at Compile Time

You can also manipulate types at compile time with meta programming. This is for example how the move and forward functions are implemented.

template<typename T >
struct removeConst {
    typedef T type;
template<typename T >
struct removeConst<const T> {
    typedef T type;
int main() {
    static_assert(is_same<int, removeConst<int>::type>::value, "Aren't the same");
    static_assert(is_same<int, removeConst<const int>::type>::value, "Aren't the same");

Calculating at Compile Time

Calculating the factorial of a number is the "Hello World" of template meta programming.

template <int N>
struct Factorial{
    static int const value = N * Factorial<N-1>::value;
// anchor
template <>
struct Factorial<1>{
    static int const value = 1;

Integral Constant

With integral constants you can also calculate values at compile time:

// Definition
template<classT, T v>
struct integral_constant{
    static constexpr T value = v;
    typedef T value_type;
    typedef integral_constant<T,v> type;
    constexpr operator T() const noexcept{ return v; }
    constexpr T operator()() const noexcept{ return v; }
// Use
template <int N>
struct Factorial: integral_constant<int, N*Factorial<N-1>::value> {};
struct Factorial<1> : integral_constant<int, 1> {};

Tag Dispatch

With tag dispatching, you can add tags to calls to be able to differentiate between types for a generic function.

template<typename T>
bool equals(T lh, T rh) {
    return equals(lh, rh, conditional_t<is_floating_point<T>::value, true_type, false_type>{});
template<typename T>
bool equals(T lh, T rh, true_type) { // floating
    // imprecision handling
    return lh == rh;
template<typename T>
bool equals(T lh, T rh, false_type) {
    return lh == rh;


SFINAE stands for "Substitution Failure Is Not An Error". To tell the compiler that a generic parameter is a type we use the typename keyword. This can also be further used to substitute types for example here:

template<typename T>
struct Extrema{
    using type = typename T::value_type; // substitution
    type m_min, m_max;
    Extrema(const T& data)
    : m_min(*min_element(begin(data), end(data)))
    , m_max(*max_element(begin(data), end(data))) {}
Extrema<vector<int>> x({ 8, 3, 5, 6, 1, 3 });

If this substitution however doesn't work (if in the above example T does not have a value_type attribute) then there is no compiler error. We can then use the enable_if struct to be able to differentiate between generic methods just like with tag dispatching.

template<typename T>
enable_if<!is_floating_point<T>::value, bool> Equals(T lh, T rh) {
    // imprecision handling
    cout << "blabla" << endl;
    return lh == rh;
template<typename T>
enable_if<is_floating_point<T>::value, bool> Equals(T lh, T rh, false_type) { // floating
    return lh == rh;

Now we can also take a quick look at how is_floating_point<T> is implemented.

template <class T>
constexpr bool is_floating_point_v= _Is_any_of_v<T, float, double, long double>;
// true if T is in Ts
template <class T, class... Ts>
constexpr bool _Is_any_of_v= disjunction_v<is_same<T, Ts>...>;
// implementation of is_same
template <class, class>
constexpr bool is_same_v = false; // determine whether arguments are the same type
template <class T>
constexpr bool is_same_v<T, T> = true;
// implementation of disjunction
template <class First, class... Rest>
struct disjunction<First, Rest...> : _Disjunction<First::value, First, Rest...>::type {};


In C++20 there are also concepts. Just like everything else up till now a concept is a set of constraints on template parameters evaluated at compile time.

struct S1 {};
struct S2 { using type = int; };
// old
template<class T>
constexpr bool has_type_member_f(T) { return has_type_member<T>; }
// new
concept has_type_member = requires{ typename T::type; };