Digital Garden
Computer Science
Git Basics

Git Basics

You can find more in depth information on git in the Pro Git book (opens in a new tab).

Initial Setup

The first thing you should do after installing git is set your username and email. These are stored in a gitconfig file. There are multiple levels of configs, --global being for the entire system and --local only for that repository.

git config --global "John Doe"
git config --global ""

To check your settings you can use

git config --list

To get help for any command you can use

git <command> --help or git help <command>

Initialize a Repository in an Existing Directory

Make sure this is executed inside the directory you want to have as a repository. This command will create a new subdirectory named .git which contains all the files that are needed for maintaining your repository including but not limited to the commit history.

Do not delete the .git folder unless you know what you are doing!

git init

Making Changes to a Repository

The lifecycle and stages of a file in a git repository.

After adding/deleting/modifying files, use git add <directory> or git add <file> to add the files to the queue to be committed. git commit commits all the added files. To be more descriptive a commit messages can also be added with git commit -m “<message>” which is very important so that you know what was changed in that commit.

You can also use the following to make life easier:

  • git add -A stages all changes
  • git add . stages new files and modifications, without deletions
  • git add -u stages modifications and deletions, without new files

To save even more time you can use the git commit -a command which is the same as executing git add -A followed by a git commit. This can then be combined to the following

git commit -am "<message>"

To check the status of the files in your repository usegit status.

To see the history of your commits you can use git log.

Using a Remote Repository

For collaboration with other people or as a backup it is useful to have your local repository linked to a remote repository, for example on a GitHub server.

It is easiest to start with a repository created on the GitHub server. Cloning this repository creates a new local repository that is linked to the remote one you cloned. To clone a repo use git clone

If you already have a local repository and want to add a remote repository you can do so the following way:

git remote add origin
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main

The first command adds the remote repo as a remote with the name origin. The second command changes the current branch name to main as this is the default branch that is created on github. The last command pushes to the remote repo and marks at as the upstream branch for the current branch.

You can check the remote repositories you are connected to with git remote -v. Now you can edit and add files and commit your changes. Once you are done, you can push your changes with

git push

Before you continue working you should pull any changed you might have committed from another computer or that might have been committed by a collaborator

git pull


A branch in Git is simply a lightweight movable pointer to one of these commits. The default branch name in Git is master. Every time you commit, the master branch pointer (HEAD)moves forward automatically.

To create a new branch use the command:

git branch testing

The git branch command only created a new branch it didn’t switch to that branch.

The HEAD pointer is still pointing to the master branch which points to the latest commit.

To switch to an existing branch, you run the git checkout testing command.

The HEAD is now pointing to the testing branch.

After changing a file and commiting, our structure could look something like this

The HEAD and the testing branch are now ahead of the master branch.

To create and checkout a new branch at the same time:

git checkout -b testing

To view all branches use git branch without any parameters. By adding -v you can also see the last commit on each branch. If you add --all you can also see the remote branches of a repository.


Assume our structure looks like the following

Two branches are based on the master branch and have been worked on.


If we now execute the commands bellow, a so-called fast-forward merge is done which basically moves the pointer of the master branch.

git checkout master
git merge hotfix
The master hotfix branch can be merged by "fast-forwarding" the master branch pointer to the hotfix branch.


We can now delete the hotfix branch, checkout the issue branch and do some more work.

git branch -d hotfix
git checkout iss53
echo "lots of work" > index.html
git commit -a -m "Did lots of work"

We now however want our new changes to also be in the master branch, so we want to merge iss53 into master.

The current structure of the branches before merging the iss53 branch into the master branch.
git checkout master
git merge iss53

A fast-forward is not possible here so git does a so called three-way merge. It is called three-way because it uses the two branch heads and their common ancestor.

The three-way merge creates a new commit that has two parents, the last commit of the master branch and the last commit of the iss53 branch.

Merge Conflicts

On the rare occasion the process above doesn’t go smoothly. If you changed the same part of the same file differently in the two branches you’re merging, Git won’t be able to merge them. This is a so called merge conflict. With git status you can see in which files there are conflicts, they will be marked as unmerged.

If you open up such a file you will find something along the following:

<<<<<<< HEAD:index.html
<div id="footer">contact :</div>
<div id="footer">
    please contact us at
>>>>>>> iss53:index.html

To resolve the merge conflict you need to choose one of the 2 versions you want or merge the code manually. This resolution has a little of each section, and the <, = and > lines have been completely removed. To finish it off use a git add on the resolved file.

<div id="footer">
    please contact us at